
All rights reserved. Materials displayed on this site, including without limitation all articles, text, images and logos, are copyright © Sight Life (Cardiff Institute for the Blind). A copyright statement, including the year of copyright, is visible at the foot of each page on this site. Sight Life endeavours to ensure that the information on our site is correct, but we do not accept any liability for error or omission.


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You do not need to request permission from Sight Life to create a text link from your website to the Sight Life websites. We do, however, reserve the right to request the removal of any link.

If you are writing about Sight Life and the work we do, we request that you use the following key information in descriptive text:

“Sight Life provides local services and lifelong support, so that blind and partially sighted people in South Wales can live independently and make the most of their lives.”

It is our priority to link to sites which are accessible to users of access technology, so if you have a site with interesting resources that would be useable by the people we support, please feel free to email us on

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Users are permitted to copy some material for their personal use as private individuals only. Unless it is explicitly stated on the webpage, users may not republish any part of the data on a website or in any other medium – print, electronic or otherwise – as part of a commercial service without the prior written permission of Sight Life. If you require any further information on permitted use, a licence to republish our material, or information about photocopying material, please get in touch on

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